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Complaint Hotline:(852) 2509 5432 Fax:(852) 2878 7977 Address:27/F., Low Block, Grand Millennium Plaza, 181 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong Email: |
Note:Upon the receipt of your complaint, we will issue an acknowledgement to you within 7 working days. We will undertake an initial assessment of the complaint and we may seek clarification from you to assist us in resolving it. Once the investigation is completed, a final response will be issued to you with our explanation and/or our appropriate action. Under normal circumstances, we endeavor to resolve the complaint at the earliest possible time or up to 8 weeks to resolve it. Depending on the complexity of the complaint or if there are exceptional circumstances that are beyond our control, there is a possibility that the assessment and investigation time may take longer. We will keep you updated on the status of the complaint.
Online Service
General : (852) 2509 9118 |
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Complaint Hotline: (852) 2509 5432 |
Complaint Email: |
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