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GTJAI Sustainability Governance Structure

GTJAI Sustainability Governance Structure

Sound governance structure lays the foundation in setting the sustainability direction and strategies for our business operations. 

The Board is the highest governing body of the Group’s ESG issues and is ultimately responsible for overseeing matters concerning ESG (including climate change issues) of the Group, covering ESG-related risks, material issues, governance, policies, objectives and strategies, performance and reporting.

The ESG Committee has been established under the Board to advise and assist the Board in overseeing and enhancing the ESG management of the Group. Currently, the ESG Committee is chaired by an independent non-executive director and is comprised of other management and heads of relevant departments as members. The ESG Committee shall hold meetings at least once a year and report to the Board on a regular basis.

The ESG Working Group, under the ESG Committee, comprised of representatives from various functional departments, has been set up to formulate and implement specific work plans according to the ESG strategies and policies set by the ESG Committee. For the efficient execution of the ESG policies and plans, three functional divisions under the ESG Working Group, namely Sustainable Finance Division, Environmental Division and Social Division, have also been established. 

Updated in Dec 2023

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