Guotai Junan International
Staff Code of
Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited
(the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries collectively referred to as the
“Group”) has a comprehensive policy, setting out in various manuals, outlining
the staff’s code of conduct. The manual is applicable to all staff. Here is the
1. Mission: The mission is
to foster a culture of integrity and compliance within the Group, adhering to
legal, regulatory, and ethical standards. Compliance is everyone's
responsibility, with the ultimate responsibility lying with the board of
directors of the Company.
2. Public Communication and Information
Provision: Unauthorized individuals are not permitted to
act as spokespersons, conduct media interviews, or handle media inquiries of
the Group.
3. Client Data Protection: All
staff must comply with various laws, rules, and codes on maintaining the
confidentiality and secrecy of its clients and business information.
4. Custody of Client Assets:All staff must ensure that client assets are accounted for properly and
promptly, and adequately safeguarded. Policies are in place to protect client's
money and assets.
5. Prohibited Activities: Various
activities are prohibited under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO),
including but not limited to insider dealing, false trading, price rigging,
stock market manipulation, disclosure of information about prohibited
transactions, disclosure of false or misleading information inducing transactions
and illegal short selling etc.
6. SFC’s Code of Conduct: All
licensed staff must comply with the Securities and Futures Commission’s (SFC) Code
of Conduct of Persons Licensed by or Registered with the SFC and/or the Fund
Manager Code of Conduct etc.
7. Anti-Money Laundering and
Counter-Terrorist Financing: All staff must strictly comply with the
Anti-Money Laundering And Counter-Terrorist Financing Manual, Customer Due
Diligence Manual and Client Identity Rule Policy of the Group.
8. Gifts, Benefits, and Fees:All staff must strictly comply with the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and
Manual of the Group.
9. Record Keeping: All
staff must maintain effective record retention policies and comply with all
legal and regulatory requirements, varying retention periods for different
types of records.
10. Internal Complaints on Staff Misconduct
& Malpractice: The Group encourages staff to report any
suspected misconduct or malpractice and provides protection for those who do
11. Grievance: The Group
adopts a zero-tolerance approach to any form of unlawful discriminatory
behavior, including but not limited to bullying, harassment.
12. Disciplinary Action:Any violation of the above can lead to disciplinary actions, including but not
limited to written reminder, warnings, dismissal, and report to the regulatory
authorities and enforcement agencies. The Company provides channels for staff
to report any misconducts he/she may have identified.
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